Karin Ferrari
Innsbruck & Forest (47°17'47.8” N 11°26'12.7” E), Sillpark
21.06.2021 - 31.07.2021 (SILLPARK), 03.07.2021 - extended until 10.10.2021 (Forest)
Project description
“The New Holy” is a plea for the interweaving of nature and technoculture: the technoid and consumer-oriented present day enters into a liaison with phantasms and metaphysical
longings that operate outside the prevailing world view. Visual and performative mash-ups are created, in which fragments from animism, consumer materialism and technology
are rediscovered.
In the shape of hybrid, totem-like sculptures, these are made manifest in the Sillpark shopping mall and in a wooded area near Rum.
On 07.07. and 08.07.2021 a “Shamanic Mall Retreat” took place with Karin Ferrari, Lona Gaikis, Bernhard Garnicnig and Peter Moosgaard.
KARIN FERRARI uses media from pop and everyday culture to investigate the present. Her artistic research focuses on speculative narratives at the threshold of academic theory, paranoid political imagination and esoteric utopia desires. Her artistic work is often inspired by an Internet subculture that tries to understand “what’s really going on”. For the past two years Karin Ferrari has been travelling on research trips and residencies in the USA, Europe and South East Asia.
The New Holy: Artist Talk with Karin Ferrari (online) moderated by Petra Poelzl
Recording on Instagram
Karin Ferraris project The New Holy (2021) is the point of departure for the online talk between Karin Ferrari & Petra Poelzl – in which they will chat about magic, mystic & techno-culture.
The New Holy (2021) is a plea for the interweaving of nature and technoculture: the technoid and consumer-oriented present day enters into a liaison with phantasms and metaphysical longings that operate outside the prevailing world view. Visual and performative mash-ups are created, in which fragments from animism, consumer materialism and technology are rediscovered.
While the installation Animadidas (2021) in the shopping mall SILLPARK can currently be seen at the Museion in Bozen, and the poster series Anima (2021) in the public space is slowly fading away, spectators can still see Ferraris installation The New Holy F*ck (2021) until mid of October in a wooded area near Rum.