
Christoph Hinterhuber
event horizon (vertikal)

Innsbruck, Rotunda on the Rennweg
01.01.2013 to 31.12.2015

Event horizon (vertical) charges the historic site of the rotunda with new meaning and so recaptures it for art.

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Project description

At the beginning of 2013 Christoph Hinterhuber initiated his intervention at the old rotunda on Rennweg, which had previously housed a huge all-round painting. He redefined the space that had become unused in the meantime and transformed it into an open, associative form.
Event horizon (vertical)  shows the power contained in the rotunda, charges the historical site with new meaning, and reconquers it for art. Together with the neon work de-decode de-recode re-decode re-recode, he also created two futuristic works beside the old “Hungerburgbahn” track, a place that has become meaningless, which point in a playful and simultaneously precise way into the future.